Sunday, October 22, 2017

Galations 5:25

Galatians 5: 25

Since we are living by the spirit let us follow the spirits leading every part of our lives.

I actually got this verse from a class kids Sunday class that i watched in on. this was there memory verse and when I thought about it so true! if we have excepted Jesus Christ in our lives we must let him lead. Even me I struggle with letting Jesus lead instead of me trying to lead. When we ourselves lead we end up falling or worse we fall into to a flesh desire for our flesh is weak but the Spirit is strong! We must let the Lord lead. For he will keeps us safe and he knows what is best for us before we even know. God created us and he has a plan for each and everyone and those who have let him into to our hearts must remember that we surrendered our  lives to him and must obey him that is the only way we can reach the life he has planned for us. If we lead we will fall into sin and a life that God does not have for us.

Application- This week i will not let my want of knowing the next thing make me upset but instead I will go with what God has planned for this week.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

James 3 Vs 13-17

James 3 Vs 13-17   

If you are wise and understand God’s ways, prove it by living an honorable life, doing good works with humility that comes from wisdom. But if you are bitterly jealous there is selfish ambition in your heat, don't cover up the truth with boasting and lying. For jealousy and selfish are not Gods kind of wisdom. Such things are earthly, unspiritual, and demonic. For wherever there is jealousy and selfish ambition, there you will find disorder and evil of every kind. But the wisdom from above is first of all pure. It is also peace loving, gentle at all times,and willing to yield to others. it is full of mercy and the fruit of good deeds. It shows no favoritism and is always sincere.
Many people say they are christians or are followers of christ but don't really act like it, They go to church on Sunday but then Friday night the are out partying getting drunk and living a double life style. God calls us to do good works and if you say you are a followers then you life that life humbly without looking for gain or reward just doing it all in the glory of God. For I was trapped in that cycle I would say i was a follower of christ but then next day get drunk or high with my friends. I got warped in the mind set of tomorrow ill stop and give to the lord but let just have this one last night and those Last night would go on for weeks. For we get clouded with are own desires and say don't worry tomorrow is a new day but we are not promised tomorrow. We have to live everyday in the honor of God doing good works and staying humble not giving in to are own desires but to live for the one true king and share his love and word.

Application-  I will make a list of the good works I have done to honor God and write reminders next them the purpose of why I did it.   

Revelation 1:9

Revelation 1:9

I John am your brother and your partner in suffering and in God’s kingdom and in the patient endurance to which jesus calls us. I was exiled to the islands of Patmos for preaching the word of God and for my testimony about Jesus.
We are able to relate to John in the since that we are both exalted by the people around us when we try to preach or speak the good word. John has gone through many trials and hardships but throughout it all never gave in cause he had God was on his side. We as followers of christ go through same trials. Not as extreme as getting exalted to a island but we are judged looked down on cursed out and much more. But the most important thing to do is keep patience and endurance in God and stay strong in him through the trials and tribulations that he puts us through because these trials should grow us closer to him instead of push us away. The more we take these chances to grow in him the more we learn to love God and you can see God’s true Love for you that he has.

Application - at the next outreach I will try to talk to everyone I can even if they don't even look interested 

Galatians 5:13

Galatians 5:13

For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters. But don't use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature. Instead, use your freedom  to serve one another in love.

We all have the freedom to choose what we want to do. We can follow the Lord with all of our heart or follow the world and live the ways of the world. yes we have the freedom to choose we don't get to choose the final outcome of these paths though. If you use your freedom to fall into to sin you will eventually fall to death. Sure you can do good works and be nice to your neighbor and much more but if you don't believe in Jesus Christ then you will fall to death. But if you use your freedom to love one another a follow what Jesus has called us to do we can live eternity with him. Freedom is a wonderful thing but we can lived trapped in freedom if we use it to please are flesh instead of God. We should be using are freedom to please God and love and help one another come close to God and give friends and family the opportunity to know who God is and show them the freedom in God.

Application- I will write down all the freedom I have gained in God

Luke 3:14

Luke 3:14

What should we do? asked some soldiers. John replied, Don't extort money or make false accusations. And be content with your pay.
We live in a world where money rules everything for it is the essences of living in the world. People are consumed by gaining money and working day and night just for a little extra. But money is the root of all evil. For if we let money consume us live a worldly life of money we will die. That doesn't mean you shouldn't make money but if you live a life through knowing and giving all to christ he will provide for you you just need to put all your faith in him and live the life he has for you. The other part of this verse say do not make false accusations. Lying can destroy relationships and your life. many times people feel obligated to lie to boost there own life  and make it seem they are perfect or they bring others down and hurt them sometimes ruining the lives of people they have spread lies about. We are tough by Jesus to love one as he has loved us so love everyone. sooner or later God shines the light in the darkness of lies and reveals the truth for you can lie to your friends family and everyone you meet but you cant lie to God for he is all knowing and he just truly wants you to live a life for him and be accepting of what he has shown you for so many times we as Jesus so much put he has already provided and we are just to blind to see it and we often demand more then we are already need and not being content with what Jesus has offered for he has offered the most amazing gift an internal life with the Father in heaven.

Application- i will right a thank you letter to Jesus for what he has done for me. 


Romans 15:1

Romans 15:1

We who are strong must be considerate of those who are sensitive about things like this. We must not just please ourselves.

When we grow in our faith we tend to have strong thoughts and opinions on things that we believe. But that doesn’t mean we can go around screaming and yelling at people who are weak in there walk or just new believers. We should lift those people up and be brought down to the low point and then build them up. God calls us to love your neighbor like yourself. You wouldn't yell or scream at yourself. You would want someone to talk to you and have them meet you where you are at and then grow together. a lot of people today leave christianity because of judgmental christians that just tell people they are going hell and all this other harsh things and don't even ask the other person where they are at. to first preach the gossple to anyone you must first form a relationship with that person then grow with them together. We cant just focus on us, Jesus himself came down to earth to serve others and he was the one person we should be serving. And we can serve him by serving others and loving others and forming unity with everyone cause if we don't then thats when the enemy gets control and dived us which will lead use into sin and we couldn't grow in God but instead grow further away. Thats why we need to unite all together those in strong and new faith to be one body in Christ.

Application- I will ask three people how they are doing with there walk and pray with them for unity.    

Ephesians 5:21

Ephesians 5:21

And further, submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.

This verse is talking about husband and wives listening to one another and respecting each other and glorify God. For in verse 22 it says that wives should submit to the husband as to the Lord, For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is head of the church. And in return in verse 25 its says that husbands should love there wives for just as Christ loves the church and gave up his life for the church. What this means to me is that you must always submit to Jesus and what he as called us to do as husbands are called to love there wives and wives listen to there husbands. Gods authority is absolute and we should take that to fear of heart for everything he has said is true and if we disobey and rebel against Him we draw further away from him and cant be with him in eternal heaven, but if we follow and listen to his rules and teachings we can be with him in heaven.

Application- pray for chris for he will be are overseer for kenya  

Matthew 20: 26-28

Matthew 20: 26-28

But among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant. 27 and whoever wants to be first among you must become your slave. 28 For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and give his life ransom for many.

Leadership is want everyone drives to be in someway. People like to do what they want and not be told by others what to do. But Jesus says right here that if you want to be a leader and have people serve you. You must serve others first. You don't just wake up a leader and go lead a business or country. You have to first serve people and build relationship with one another. No one will follow someone who doesn't treat others well or someone who has never submitted to authority. But with that said we can never actually be are own true leaders for we have the ultimate leader God! God gives us the ultimate authority we must always be listening to him and what he wants us to do and Jesus is the perfect example of being a leader because he came down to serve. God in human form came down to serve us that is just insane! And not only did he serve us he did the ultimate sacrifice by dying on the cross and he already knew it would happen and knew that there was no other way. Think about the Son of Man came down to serve us and even in serving us wasn't enough so he went a gave up his life for us that just blows my mind away. We can never serve Jesus like he has served us but what we can do is just grow in Him and go spread his word and love your neighbor for if you want to be a leader you must be willing to go to the lowest of low and serve.

Application- I will serve my teammates this week    

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Hebrews 5:8

Hebrews 5:8

Even though Jesus was God’s Son, he learned obedience from things he suffered

Jesus was the perfect person who never sinned or did something wrong. But we often forget that Jesus himself went through the same struggles as we people do. He was tempted many times and was living the life as a normal person. Most times when we hear Jesus we think of God’s Son, most holy, God in the flesh, and much more, but he learned through the average life that we as man go through. Jesus did not come down doing everything on his own. It even says in the bible that Jesus only did what the father had instructed. Jesus took all his suffering and used to grow more obedient. As us humans can sometimes take these sufferings and grow further away from obedience and get wrapped in the world and sin which ends to death. Jesus wants us to grow in him through our suffers. Instead of staying hurt and angry at the challenges that we face Jesus is waiting for us to come to him and be obedient in him and live the life he has planned for us. Even though Jesus was God’s Son he still went through the same sufferings of man so we can actually relate to it more and actually go to Jesus for advise and help for he has gone through the same things.

Application- this week i have Kp and I will do what ever I'm asked to do without any complaint and give all glory to Jesus in it. 

Philippians 4:11

Philippians 4:11

Not that I was ever in need, for I have learned how to be content with what ever I have.

This verse hits deep for me for I use to be not content with what God had given me. I would always compare myself to my friends and would always see what they are good at at just shoot myself down and say I'm not good or I could never do that. It wasn't till I accepted christ and really looked at what God had given me and the talents and gifts that God knitted in me before i was even born and I began to accept my own skills instead of putting myself down and wishing had the skills of others. So many times we feel like we are not good enough or not content with what we can do and what we are given but God has given and made us they way we are for a reason and to use those abilities to grow within him and glorify him and spread his word and love. Seeing others do something we cant do can intimidate use or cause us to not even try cause we feel like we will just be laughed at but God loves us enough to single handedly craft each one of us to be different from one another. So we should be content with what God has given us as individuals following christ and use that to spread the gosspel.

Application- I will make a list of what traits and skills God has given me and thank him for it.

1 Timothy 6-8

1 Timothy 6-8

Yet true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth. After all we bought nothing with us when we came into the world, and we cant take anything with us when we leave it. So if we have enough food and clothing, let us be content.
So many times people think you have to have the biggest most amazing cars, house, and many other materialistic things. They live life working for all the money they want and end up actually more lonely and sad then people see there lives as. Have you ever heard money doesn’t buy happiness? Well its true. We can only have true peace and happiness through living a life of loving christ. If we live a life where its not are lives but living for the king of kings and loving the life he has known about since the begging of time we will life a rich life of love with the holy spirit and be provided ten folds when we return home. People tend to get trapped in the materialistic things that in the end mean nothing for when you get to heaven and are being judged its just you and God. Not you and your bags of money big house or fancy car. Me personally I have never been driven by materialistic things, but i do like having things like my computer and games and I do like having nice cloths. But I'm starting to understand that i should find more liking and wealth in being content with God and his word and learn to be content with what God provides for you and not the extra things become the center of our lives.

Application- I will write a list of what God has blessed in my life     

Romans 6:16

Romans 6:16

Don’t you realize that you become the slave of whatever you choose to obey? You can be a slave to sin, which leads to death, or you can choose to obey God, which leads to righteous living

This verse is so true, throughout my life I was so stubborn to give my life up there is still times today that I want to do my own things and live in the world instead of living in the word. When we get trapped in ourselves we become slaves to the world and sin that is in the world. We start to just accept sin and trick ourselves saying “every once in awhile it wont hurt or no ones looking so its okay and that I’m still a good person”. We lie to ourselves saying we are good people living in sin which can happen. Just cause you are a good person that gets along and people like you doesn’t mean you aren’t living in sin and its those things that keep us slave to sin and we just live a life trapped in sin which kills us in the end. Or you can repent from sin and choose to follow Jesus and obey God for that is a life full of living for him and the life that you where first created by him to do. God has you life already planned or you just have to choose to follow and obey him and you will live a righteous life and the more you focus on him the more you are to grow towards him a not be a slave to sin but a student of Christ.

Application-  write a letter to myself for when i go home for ten days to keep me on track with Jesus.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Colossians 1:11

Colossians 1:11

We also pray that you will be strengthened with all his glorious power so you will have all the endurance and patience you need. May you be filled joy

when we pray for more strength and endurance we usually need cause we got a big game coming up or your going hiking and you have a lot of miles to go. But what we really should be praying for is a spiritual recharge in God’s spirit. a lot of the times these prayers for and extra energy boost our more of a flesh prayer. Instead we should pray to filled with the holy spirit and shine brighter then ever in the holy spirit. For we should be strengthened with his glory and but all strength in him. When you put your strength in God you he will give you all the endurance and power you need to grow deeper in him and get through your day and many things can be accomplished with the power of God that you couldn't even think of. And the most amazing thing that you are left with are the joys of God’s glorious strength that shines in you for God want to see you full of joy in him and sharing the many joys that you have witnessed in you life.

Application- i will make a list of they joys God has done for me since being in Ignite. 

James 1:5

James 1:5- If you need wisdom ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.

When we are at a lost God wants to helps us! Prayer is powerful and  can get us through many situations we end up in. Gods wisdom is all knowing and he will show you the answer you just have to look in the word and pray. For he is not a big voice that will give you a clear answer. You have to dive in closer to God for God to come closer to so the more you seek him he will seek you and you will soon learn the answers to all the questions you may have. No question for God is a dumb question. If anything you should talk to God like a best friend. Tell him how your day went and just whats going on in your life. He already knows what happens but he want you to speak to him for your trouble situations and he will guide you. Our God is a loving God that just wants nothing more then a relationship with each every one of us and just a simple prayer or spark of interest can start that. You just need to be able to continue the prayers the learning of the gossple and keep the relationship growing for when you truly know God he will give you what you have been asking.

Application- for this week everyday i will take an extra 5-10 min to pray and talk to God.  

Ephesians 5: 15-17

Ephesians 5: 15-17

So be careful how you live. Don't live like fools, but likes those who are wise. Make the most of every opportunity in these evil day. Don't act thoughtlessly, but understand what the lord wants you to do.

Its a internal spiritual battle everyday with sin. Its always trying to win its way back in are minds and when we slip up it just want to drag us in more and makes us feel we should just give in cause we already slipped once why fight against it. Instead of having that mind set take every chance you can do give your life to God. Everyday is a new fight and it wont end till the very last breath is made. Take everyday as a chance to learn, love, and glorify God with everything you have. Pray to God what the next step is he has for you and make sure that you our always putting the lord as your number one priority. For we live in a wicked world that will try to tempt you and steer you off the right path, but just know if you give everything to the Lord the enemy can not touch you. For you are protected by his love and he will fight for you till the day you go back to the father. Live everyday for christ and deepen your relationship with him and never give up.

Application- For this week i will ask my roommate to pray for me to have a clear God focus mind.

Luke 8: 11-15

Luke 8: 11-15

This is the meaning parable: The seed is God’s word. The seeds that fell on the footpath represent those who hear the message, only to have the devil take it away from there hearts and prevent them from believing and being saved.  The seeds on the rocky soil represent those who hear the message and receive it with joy. But since they don't have deep roots, they believe for a while, then they fall to temptation. The seeds that fell among the thorns represent those who hear the message, but all to quickly the message is crowded out by the cares and riches of pleasures of this life. And so they never grow into maturity. And the seeds that fell on the good soil represent honest, goodhearted people who hear God’s word, cling to it and patiently produce a huge harvest.

A lot of times we fell like once we have sinned we get trapped in that sin and keep sinning. But we can be saved by accepting Jesus christ as our lord and savior the only problem we have is that as human with flesh we are weak and sometimes feel that we have sinned so much that we can not be forgiven. The thing is though you are! Don't let the enemy tempt you in to thinking your not cause If you truly except Jesus Christ as Lord and savior and then begin to follow him you are saved! The other problem is that once you start you have to stay strong with him. many times new christians tend more easy to fall back in to sin and I can say I have this struggle for myself for the flesh is weak but are spirit must be strong for the Lord to overcome. At least for me I get in the trapped mind set that its okay if i sin cause God will forgive me but thats just a straight slap in the face to God. You need to constantly pouring into God and follow Jesus. For you have to first know and love Jesus to get to God.

Application- this week i will pray for forgiveness of my sins and not let them hold me back from learning Gods word`

Luke 21:19

Luke 21:19

By standing firm, you will win your souls

When we stand firm in Gods plan we will soar above the rest for in verse 17 it says “ And everyone will hate you because you are my followers.” We live in a world that just wants to take Gods word and crush it and throw it out the window. This week we had Keith wheeler come visit us. He is a man that has traveled around they entire world walking with a giant wooden cross. As we got to talk about his many crazy stories he told us that he has only ever been beaten and left for dead twice. These occurrences both happened in america. A place that we call home and  have the right to speak freely on what we believe but I guess not. It so true that everyone will hate you for following christ. You think doing the good in the world helping one another and loving on each other would be accepted, but its the complete opposite for all these people who hate and want to destroy us followers are trapped the world and don’t want to leave. They rather life a world life of sin then a entirety with the Father. But if we stand firm in are faith with God and follow Jesus Christ we will win entirety with him. For when we have God on are side nothing can hurt us for verse 18 says “But not a hair of your head will parish”.

Application- this week I will ask 5 people how they are doing on there walk and also talk about how I'm doing on my walk.

Pslam 111 Vs 10

Pslam 111 Vs 10) 
Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true wisdom. All who obey his commandments will grow in wisdom praise him forever
We fear the Lords call for its a call that clings to the back of the mind and keeps banging in your head and cant get rid of it. When the Lords calls us we have to leave the world behind but that can be scary for you may not have put all your trust in him so if you mess up you don't know what may happen. We also get comfortable in the world for we don't have to take risk or leaps of faith and just let the world trap and rot us. For true understanding of the Lord is learning to fear him. For that fear becomes love because once you take that leap of faith and put everything in to the Lord you will be reward ten fold and gain a vast knowledge of Jesus and God. And as you go on this faith lead journey you soon have to live a God honored and humble life and follow his law and if you do follow and give him glory he will show you how much he truly loves you.

Application- during this weeks outreach im going to interact with ten different people and not just sit back and watch.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Luke 8: 22-25

Luke 8:22-25

One day Jesus said to his disciples lets cross to the other side of the lake So they got into a boat and started out as they sailed across Jesus settled down for a nap But soon a fierce storm came down on the lake. The boat was filling with water, and they were in real danger The disciples went and woke him up, shouting, Master master, we’re going to drown! When Jesus woke up, he rebuked the wind and the raging waves. Suddenly the storm and all was clam Then he asked them where is your Faith? The disciples were terrified and amazed who is this man? they asked each other When he gives a command, even the wind and waves obey him.
Jesus’s call is powerful but not everyone can understand that call for he was able to stop the winds and waves. It really goes to say that If Jesus has told you to do something and you follow it nothing can stop you for the wind and waves couldn't stop the disciples but when these things happen you cant forget that Its His work protecting us and not just some luck that came are was if we truly follow his call and follow it with one hundred percent Faith then God and Jesus will protect us and stop at nothing to see us achieve there goal for us. But you must not deny His command for it is powerful and like it says in the verse it can stop winds and waves so put your faith in his call and mountains can be moved as long as you just keep that mind set His plan for you will be complete and great glory will come to God.

Application- This week i will share what God has called me to do and ask for my roommates to pray for me  

Mark 10 Vs 47-49

Mark 10 (Vs 47-49) When Bartimaeus heard that Jesus the Nazareth was nearby, he began to shout, Jesus, son of David have mercy on me! Be quiet many of the the yelled at him. But he only shouted louder, son of David have mercy one me! When Jesus heard him, he stopped  and said Tell him to come here So they called the blind man cheer up they said come on he’s calling you Many times we call out to God for help in are darkest hour and will come to us at our most broken hour. He takes those moments and uses them to spread his love through are broken stories but sometimes when we are set free from are darkest time we forget that it was God who saved us. For we as human want to take the glory for coming out of are own depression but its really God who saves us for we could never get out of the holes we dig for ourselves with out the holy spirit some how moving with in us. Sometimes we deny the call and just got deeper and deeper into ourselves without knowing God has his hand out ready to take you to where he wants but as people trapped in the world they find other escapes out of there depression and fill that hole with money drugs fake love and and other worldly things but they end up more lost and deeper in the hole they have dug themselves then when they first started.z 

Application- This week ill will be praying for what God has called me to do 

Matthew 8 vs 9-10

Matthew-8 (Vs 9-10) I know this because I am under the authority of my superior officers, and I have authority over my soldiers. I only need to say Go and they go or Come  and they come and if i say to my slaves do this they do it when Jesus heard this he was amazed turning to those who where following him he said “I tell you the truth I haven't seem faith likes this in all Israel
As humans we are always looking for someone to follow for we can do anything alone but are mistakes is that that we look for that moment follow instead of following God. We follow the latest fashion trend or we have to listen to what the newest hottest Idol says for comfort. Instead of letting God lead we let the world lead us and give more faith in the world then God and that just doesn’t make sense for the world has set us up to fail but God has set us up to succeed in him and following him with all are faith and embrace in his glory instead of embracing the world. For the world says its okay to turn faith away from God and look up to these people in high power or stature and that they now whats best for are lives and that we get so trapped in the flesh that we crave this telling of we are perfect and that we are perfect people when we are not we are all broken and if you don't turn to God and give faith him you will die for the flesh only leads to death but life with God ends in entirety with him.

Application- Today during kids club i will not let world things distract me for God while ministering to the kids for example i will not let dirty cloths get in the way of giving me all to the kids and having fun and teaching and learning.

Hebrews 11 vs 6

Hebrews 11(VS6) And its impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come
to him must believe that Gods exist and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him
Just knowing God and learning his word doesn’t mean you have a relationship with him you need to trust with all your heart in him and just let the lord take you and dive in and learn more. For when you read his word you cant just read you need to let him speak to you through your reading and have him in your heart if you don’t let him in you gain nothing out of the bible it will just mean nothing cause to a normal person the bible means nothing but to a believer who put everything into it will learn the true meaning and things that never make since will start to click and as long as you keep your faith with good and seek him with your all he will show you things you never even know you could do and answer things you though could never be answered. For seeking the lord with all you have means you never question what he has for you and you when you going in all for him at anything then are you truly pleasing the lord for our lives are not ours but his and with are lives we can live to glorify him and be truly free through christ. for  struggle with letting God show me what he wants me to get out of his teachings in the bible and want to just let him speak to me instead of just reading to reading 

I will take more time during my devotions and Ibs to actually listen to what God wants me to understand. 

Hebrews 11 Vs 1

Hebrews 11 (V1) In Hebrews 11 verse 1 its says Faith is confidence that we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see. Faith is something you just believe in with all your heart that even though you don't know how it may be done you just put your faith into it and just pray and accept that what ever you are putting your faith in will work no l/;Faith keeps use going through are days even if you don't know what that day holds but He has a plan and as long as we keep are faith strong and never question or doubt His action for us or plan that we will always have a sense of peace and serenity and just know that God will provide the answer when He knows we need it.For me i struggle with knowing his calling and question my faith with God for me I have a hard time telling between my action and his call for when we pray i feel lead to pray but can never muster the faith to just speak out  

Application-ill will focus more on his calling and when He pull something on my heart to just speak out or go without doubt or question on it just let the lord use to speak what he has called me to speak or do.